Guns I wouldn't Buy If I Were You

K2: On the Stats book it doesn't look so bad, and seems more decent than M4 in close range for the same price. However, it has considerably more spread AND the recoil that nearly pars AK (which in other terms, is very high), and has lower damage despite faster firing. Also, the K2 also takes considerably longer waiting time from switching to it to starting to fire. Thus, M4 is better than it in nearly all cases, and K2 should be ignored.

Type 89 (not recommended but only for newbies.): Only experienced players should use this monster. For 1800BP an hour (Garena Blackshot), it is a lot of value for money, but newbies will be unable to make full use of this gun's awesomeness.
It has respectable damage, and its recoil is one of the lowest in the game. But due to the medium spread, it is often necessary to crouch before firing long distance, to avoid missing the enemy due to spread. Most importantly, spread and recoil of the gun go EXTREMELY berserk when your screen is shaking *aka you are taking damage* as compared to any other rifle. Both Japanese rifles seem to have this problem. As such, Type 89 is a bad weapon for people with bad aim/slow reaction but an extremely good weapon for experienced players who can start firing first, and accurately.

SCAR (only applies to newbies): This gun is the gun with ultimate random recoil. Its upward recoil is actually lower than AK47, but the problem is that as you spam it, the SPREAD goes very, very random. You end up with shots going all over the place, not just upwards like an AK47. Thus, SCAR should be used like a semi-sniper. Strictly no spamming unless you're at close range. Thus, since newbies might find it nearly impossible to fight the urge to spam, don't use this weapon until you've mastered AK first.

M3SPR90 Shotgun (Other than for specific purposes): This gun costs the same as a FAMAS/Type 89, and you must crouch to 1-hit-KO in over 80% of the cases. Plus, you can't shoot at anyone over 2 trucks' length away. DO NOT use it, unless you're good at it, in a clan war and need a camper in a bombsite or house CQB area. Basically only used for SD, in Blue Team's camping or Red Team's CQB rushing, but if you're not a professional, just bloody stick to the Type 89 (for experienced players) and FAMAS (for newbies)

Type 64: for a combination of reasons. Type 64 has too little bullets, aim is affected to drastically by enemy fire, and simply because for 1800 BP an hour, you can get easier to use guns. Therefore, it is not recommended unless you are an experienced player who can use this gun, but use it like a SCAR. Use it like half a sniper. See, told you it was a hard gun to use. Don't go through all that trouble! :)

(this is the ultimate DO NOT)
GALIL: Do not, in any case, buy this gun, unless you are insane. It doesn't require reloading, but at what cost? You have to walk really slowly with it, fire extremely weak bullets at SCAR fire rate, and if that's not enough to put you away, its accuracy is like an M16A1, which is a freaking STOCK, FREE weapon for Adam/Cathy (doesn't matter if you have MP5 as stock weapon, it's just as good). This makes GALIL practically the biggest waste of money since USA started the sub-atomic research projects.

(this is another ultimate DO NOT)
UMP: For 1600 BP an hour, it doesn't sound too bad, does it? Well it is that bad. On average, an MP5 is slightly better than it. Why are you still paying 1600 for it then? Save up! :)

MP5KPDW: Don't buy it unless you're too cool for conventional guns. It's expensive, it's not very accurate. But I must say, this is one of the most refined-looking weapons so it is really satisfying to see someone killed by your PDW, especially when it is silenced. Well in some cases the PDW is better than the MP5, so I don't see why I should discourage buying it. It's just not value for money, though.

Dragunov/PSG-1: Firstly, you might be called a faggot by other players for killing them with a spammer sniper rifle. More importantly, they are hardly any better than the FREE sniper, as you have to wait nearly as long for the recoil to decrease to zero before firing again, and your accuracy is lower than the free sniper rifle given to everyone! The only part its better is when you spam with no scope in a point blank firefight. But instead of leaving it to luck, you might as well get an AWP or M24.

M24: I know many people prefer M24 to AWP, but that's mainly the Normal Channels. I have no objections, but in the Normal Channel, and a lot more often in the Beginner Channel, there are countless cases of M24 not being able to kill someone in a single shot while AWP can. If I were you, I wouldn't buy M24, because its chances of 1-hit-KO are lower than AWP, and its only good trait is that you can shoot / switch to it faster, which makes it good for rushing. I wouldn't be a sniper-rusher if I were you, because sniper rushes are easily busted by enemy SMG rushes. If you're the 1-in-a-100 who is so superb at sniping you can put two hits on someone consecutively all the time, then fine, M24 is better, but for the bulk of us non-professionals, nope it's not an effective sniper. If you have to put two shots to kill someone, then there's no difference between the free SSG82 and the M24. Well other than the fact that it takes 3 hits of SSG to the lower body/leg of an armored enemy to kill.

SWM500: It's an impractical hand gun and we all know it. For just a LITTLE more firepower than the Deagle, you get less bullets a clip, (even) slower firing, and even less running shot/jump shot versatility. Please, guys, be practical and get a Deagle / Glock (if you're a sniper, Glock)!